By Chris
Why have such a site? To be frank, our goal is to put heads on pillows, bodies in rooms and feet on our floors. This is the mainstay of all student housing, surely, but if that was our only intent, wouldn’t your usual mundane housing campaign suffice?
Yes, actually, but that’s not our aim. While certainly, it is important in order to keep the lights on and the fridges cold, it wouldn’t properly serve the community we aim to serve: the students.
This website is built to be a survival guide for student life. That means we’ve spent a little more time writing pieces that will help you know when to put out the trash, how to ride the bus and whatever else helps the student survive the sometimes confusing world of student housing.
Simply making sure we’ve got our beds filled is just not good enough. We want our tenants to be happy with all aspects of student living and we hope that this site will help ease that transition.
When building this website, it was clear to us that we must take extra steps to make sure we have the raw info necessary, but also to have a conversation with our community. And it’s important to consider this site a community because otherwise, living anywhere just becomes occupation, rather than, cooperation. And that’s what we’re all about.