by Emily
We’ve all been there. Getting a conversation started with someone you find interesting can be painfully awkward, but it doesn't have to be. A few tried and true approaches to get a conversation rolling are listed below.
1. Blunder At The Bar: The Classic Mis-Ordered Drink.
Stand beside someone you think is cute. Make eye contact, smile, say “hi” and then order your drink. After the bartender leaves to fix your drink, exclaim to your cute neighbour that you just bombed your drink order (e.g. “I just messed up my drink order. You know, I had the words ‘Gin and Tonic’ in my head, and somehow it just came out ‘Screwdriver’. Dammit!”) They may buy a Gin and Tonic and gladly exchange it for your mis-ordered Screwdriver and then: Boom! Instant connection. It may work or it may not work. In my experience it works. And if this should end in a make out session, so be it.
2. The Conversation Selfie: A Simple Introduction.
Sounds simple because it is. Starting a conversation is as easy as walking up to someone, saying “hi” and introducing yourself, and then telling them that it is nice to meet them. Phew! Palms may be sweaty before, during, and afterwards but your conversation partner will be most appreciative of the initiative and kind gesture. Make sure you have made some kind of visual connection before you do this (i.e. eye contact and a smile) otherwise you might surprise them. Guerrilla-style flirting is a big no-no.
3. The Inquiry-Based Approach: How’s Your Day Going?
This works well for special occasions but can be applied to any day of the week really. Start by asking how their day is going. Then go in for the follow-up question. This can lead to dangerously boring conversation babble so don’t be too general here. Ask a follow-up question that zeroes in on a tangible experience of theirs. For example, instead of asking what they do for fun, ask: what was the last thing you did for shits and giggles? Instead of asking what kind of music they are into, ask: what is the last song you listened to, or, what are the top 3 songs on your playlist right now? This should get the conversation rolling nicely.
4. The Approach: Pick-up Lines
Pick up lines can be used, even if they are a bit on the cheesy side, but you don’t want to overdo it on the fromage here. Nay: Girl, heaven must be missing an angel because it looks like I just found one. Yay: Tell me, do you know how much a polar bear weighs? Enough to break the ice! Hi, I’m ___. Yay: What has three legs, two heads, and a scruffy tail? I have no idea; I’m just trying to break the ice. Nay: Hey boy/girl, can I get some fries with that shake? As a rule of thumb, if in your head your pick up line begins with “Hey girl, …” leave that one behind. You’re not a Ryan Gosling meme. Keep it light and friendly, never sleazy or insincere.